Years ago, we used to watch TV shows in a 12-inch black and white television set. There weren't so many shows to watch back then. But as years passed by, we can notice how the television has evolved from a simple box with pictures into the newest, grandest design TV sets. Starting with black and white TV to Plasma TV then Flat Screen TV, a new technology now appears and enters into the market. The newest technology when it comes to television is the 3D TV. This TV will surely change the way we will watch our favorite TV shows.

This year 2010 is considered a gateway for 3D movies. One 3D movie that had a great impact to viewers is the "Avatar" which made over .5 billion dollars in the first 66 days of its opening. This implies that shows are now presented in a different and a much higher level of movie presentation. Until now, more and more movies are being produced in 3D versions. This paved way to the creation of the newest, most advanced Television set, the 3D Television set. For the 6 top television companies - Sony, Toshiba, LG, Samsung, Vizio and Panasonic, this is another battle for them to show off their brand, outshine their competitors and prove to the consumers that their brand is the best.
What makes 3D TV different? Just like in 3D movies where 3 Dimensional features are produced, 3D TV also uses the stereoscopic effect in creating its 3 dimensional pictures. This creates an illusion making 2 slightly different images of the scenario for the left eye and right eye, tricking the brain that the flat image we are watching truly has depth in it. The truth is 3D TV technology isn't new at all, it was actually marketed few years ago but the main problem why people did not patronize it is because of its glasses. During that time, you need to wear 3D glasses for you to appreciate the 3D technology on this type of TV. But because of the continuous research by leading companies, they've come up withthe latest 3D TV version which does not need special 3D glasses.
In CEDEC 2010, one of the leading television manufacturers unveiLED their newest 3D TV free from 3D glasses. Also, Panasonic announced its released of its own version the Viera VT25 series. Then, later, Samsung also already releases their own brand, the BD-C6900 a 3D Blu-ray Player. In year 2011, it is expected that more versions and brands of 3D Television sets will come out and it's for consumer to see which company manufacturers the best 3D TV. This technology would surely be a big hit! But of course, there are certain issues manufacturers have to address and one of them is price of this 3D TV. Before the 3D TV could invade every home, they should make it more affordable especially for the middle class.
The New 3D TV 0f 2010
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