A few years ago I saw my first 3D movie at the IMAX. It was so realistic that people where putting their hands up to touch it. It was a lot like putting your hand through a laser beam. My only other experience with 3D movies were some faiLED attempts to revive 3D when I was a kid, but it just wasn't realistic. Then my mom shared stories about 3D movies when she was young, but they were really movies in different colors made visible by wearing 3D glasses.

Since then 3D movies have come a long way. They actually work, in fact, they can create a dazzling and immersive movie viewing experience. Avatar was a great example of a stunning 3D movie. Now that we have the technology to create these movies we also have the technology to view them at home.
We can now rent and view 3D movies at home. We can purchase 3D movie Players and even 3D Televisions. So some of the advantages of getting a 3D TV is that you can watch cool 3D movies in the comfort of your own home. You can plant your kids in front of a 3D Disney or Pixar movie and there is a good chance that you will get an uninterrupted hour and half to yourself. Just think what you can do with that time, pay the bills, do the dishes, the possibilities are endless.
3D movies are not only a great way to entertain the kids there is talk of a 3D sports channel coming out. Even non-sports fans would probably be entertained by a 3D football or soccer game. For the more cerebral, Discovery is working on 3D nature shows. They already have several out that are shown at theaters, so now we can fly over the Nile or get a close up shot of an African river from our couch.
If you are a gamer, playing 3D games is just one step closer to virtual reality or at least a very cool gaming experience. Another nice thing about 3D television is that you don't have to watch all 3D all the time, but when it is time for a kids party or a family movie event, you have the capability to do so. Being on the forefront of the 3D TV revolution will be a fun and entertaining experience.
Some cons of 3D TV are the expense. The newer TVs are more expensive and all of the standards have not been set yet. We all know the disadvantages of being an early adopter. We also know that technology changes fast. For instance Phillips is working on a 3D TV that doesn't require glasses. Do you really want to have to have glasses for all of your friends viewing 3D when the hip neighbors can view 3D without the glasses?
Then again, how do we know that 3D viewing without glasses is quite as good as viewing with the glasses? The answer is we don't. Technology will ever be evolving and we can't predict the future. If you are in the market for a new TV anyway, you might as well upgrade and get a 3D model. With the money being poured into this technology there is a good chance it will be around awhile. On the other hand if your old TV is just fine there is nothing wrong with waiting until the technology and the prices stabilize a little more.
Pros and Cons of 3D TV
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