Sunday, April 10, 2011

3D-TV - Is It Ready to Enter to Your House Now?

3D - Three Dimensional TV is gaining momentum unlike any other technology in recent History and will help manufacturers to come out of the 2008 recession. The market is ready for it and lot of people are embracing it. In 2009, all Consumers Electronics FAir displayed 3D -TV and consumers were thrilled to see the display. Now consumers have accepted 3D-TV and by 2011, it will be marketed at an affordable price tag.

When you look at an object in the real world, you will see in three dimensions. But when you see the same object in TV, it will look flat. 3D-TV will take care of this shortfall and will show you the object in the same way as you will see in the real world. It is definitely a pleasing, interesting and meaningful viewing. But, how it is done?


This is all related to the way our eyes focus an object. We have two eyes separated by a small distance. Our brain generates a 3D Picture by having two eyes spaced at a short distance apart. Each eye captures a slightly different view of the object in front of it and fusing these two images together, our brain generates a single image that has a real depth. This trick is called "stereopsis."

3D-TV - Is It Ready to Enter to Your House Now?

We are all habituated in seeing all objects in 3D and we do not question how we see it. But normally the pictures in TV or in Computer Screen are 2D, i.e. two dimensional. We have to apply some tricks to see it in 3D or Three Dimensional.

Till date there are four ways to do it or rather there are four 3D-TV technologies.

1. Anaglyph - In this system, we have to wear eye glasses with colored lenses, so that our brain can fuse together the partly overlapping red and cyan pictures on the Screen.

2. Polarizing - here, we have to wear lenses that Filter light waves in different ways so that each eye sees a different picture.

3. Active Shutter - Here, the left and right lenses of our glasses open and close at high speed in rapid alteration and we will view separate images or frames on the Screen.

4. Lenticular - In this system, we do not need glasses. Instead a row of plastic lenses in front of the screen bends slightly different, side by side images so that they travel to our left and right eyes.

All future 3D TV will be made on this "Lenticular" technology.

Big players in TV Industry are devising practical ways to bring three-dimensional television (3D TV) to our homes. The Discovery channel is forming a Joint Venture Company with Sony and IMAX to deliver 3D TV Channels.

When 3D TV Channels, 3D Movies will come into practice, we will definitely go for 3D TV, may be at a little higher cost also.

This 3D Television will be a turnaround for the Consumer Electronics manufacturers in the whole World and in turn we will get a marvelous piece of Home Entertainment system and we will enjoy the 3D TV after a busy days work back to home.

3D-TV - Is It Ready to Enter to Your House Now? ”TheThe Diet Solution Program

This article is written by Subodh Sarkar Dt. 25th. Sept, 2010.

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